Friday, December 23, 2011

A Tico Christmas
!!!Feliz Navidad!!!

What is it that makes a holiday unforgettable?  Is it the presents we receive, gifts we give, loved ones we embrace, the celebrations, the food we eat, or the traditions we partake in that are passed on from generation to generation.  In the states, I travel every year to my father's cabin to celebrate Christmas log cabin style - pushed over the fairy tale top with chestnuts roasted on an open fire and yuletide carols being sung by a choir. As I sit in my flannel pajamas, I am, frequently, reminded of the warm weather traditions of my friends in Costa Rica, due to the picture messages I am receiving of them wearing Santa Clause hats on the beach while sipping a freshly chopped coconut!!!
While I will be enjoying courses of traditional American Cuisine - Turkey, Ham, Stuffing and Gravy. My friends in Costa Rica will be making Tamales with rice and beans, fresh seafood, and coconut flan. Aside from Tamales, a Costa Rica Tico Christmas includes variations of all the American Traditions: i.e. decorating the homes, cypress trees, festivities, family get togethers, and VACATIONS. So if you are traveling to Costa Rica this Christmas, here are a few travel tips:

*Santa Clause will not be delivering the Christmas presents this year, Baby Jesus will be taking his place
* Bull Fights will be replacing the endless cycle of repeat Christmas movies as entertainment - Bulls are not harmed only teased
*Portals - Nativity Scenes - will be embellished with berries, dolls, farm animals, and lights
*Traditional foods include the tamal, pupusa, vigoron, grilled pork, chicken and sausage
*Traveling requires EVEN more patience since the holiday is taken extremely seriously
*SUN instead of SNOW (a warm Christmas with tan lines and sunscreen)
The temperature is getting hot in Central America and the Tamales are hotter.  So pick one from the pot, crack open the corn meal, eat the chicken and pork, and enjoy the Tico flavor and festivities, and post your pictures to make me jealous of what I am missing!
Merry Christmas
XOXO Piper 

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